The Patient Advocate Group Inc.

Speaking for you, when you can't!

Incarcerated Patient Advocate

According to a new study published by at Vanderbilt, looks at New York parolees released between 1989 and 2003. The result, Jan. 17 by American Journal of Public Health, For every year actually spent in prison, overall life expectancy decreases two years.

About two in five people who are incarcerated have a history of mental illness in state and federal prisons andheld in local jails. This is twice the prevalence of mental illness within the overall adult population. Given these rates, America’s jails and prisons have become de-facto mental health providers, at great cost to the well-being of people with mental health conditions.

Despite court mandates, there is a significant lack of access to adequate mental health care in incarcerated settings. About three in five people with a history of mental illness do not receive mental health treatment while incarcerated in state and federal prisons. It is also challenging for people to remain on treatment regimens once incarcerated. In fact, more than of individuals who were taking medication for mental health conditions at admission did not continue to receive their medication once in prison.